Considering becoming a Bellevue PTSA Council officer, board member or director-at-large?
Find out more about each role.
Find out more about each role.
Duties of all council officers and council board members
- Be familiar with the vision, mission, and goals of WSPTA and lead their implementation within the council area.
- Read and sign Board Commitment and Standards of Conduct Forms.
- Attend WSPTA events: leadership conference, legislative assembly, convention, and region conferences.
- Delegate responsibility and communicate regularly with fellow council officers, committee chairs, and local PTA officers.
- Be knowledgeable of the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, the Standards of Affiliation agreement, the council’s standing rules, council policies, and basic parliamentary procedure.
- Manage council finances in a fiscally prudent manner.
- Review recommendations from all financial reviews.
- Transact necessary business between membership meetings and other business referred to the council by the membership.
- Present recommendations to the membership for action.
- Perform other duties as specified in the council’s standing rules.
- Be familiar with the resources available through the WSPTA website and the National PTA website.
- Assess needs, requirements, and desires of local PTAs, and develop plans, programs, and workshops to serve those needs.
- Use input to set goals, prepare a proposed budget and calendar and to establish committees.
- Be familiar with all established WSPTA deadlines.
- Continue or establish an awards recognition program.
- Communicate regularly with local PTAs.
- Continue to provide information, support, and encouragement to local PTAs.
- Develop and promote the Reflections program in the council area.
- Reach out to leaders of under-represented groups to encourage participation and collaboration on shared goals to improve the lives of children.
- Identify the groups in the community that should be invited to participate in and provide support to local PTAs to make this happen.
The Executive Committee is annually slated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the membership in the spring. The president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and advocacy director(s) are members of the Executive Committee.
Past Council Presidents
(current) 2019-21: Amy Lenox 2018-19: Lisa Shank 2016-2018: Jess Garcia 2014-2018: Jennifer Karls 2013-2014: Carolyn Watson & Catherine Smith 2011-2013: Molly Schladetzky and Kelly Silver 2010-11: Linda Mui 2008-10: Janet Suppes |
- Performs the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
- Familiar with duties of the president and assists in those duties upon request.
- May serve as liaison between the executive committee and local PTAs in the council.
- May serve a more specific role or duties as designated in the council’s standing rules.
- Prepares accurate minutes of all meetings.
- Notifies the president of any unfinished business.
- Is responsible for correspondence as designated by the president.
- Maintains rosters of the members of all standing and special committees.
- Provides attendance sign-in sheets at council meetings.
- Provides a synopsis of council minutes to the newsletter editor or communications chair in a timely manner.
- Maintains a roster of local PTAs served by the council with the names and addresses of their officers.
- Performs any other duties designated in the council’s standing rules or requested by the president.
- Serves as chair of the budget committee.
- Presents the budget to the board of directors and membership.
- Maintains accurate financial records.
- Receives and issues receipts and makes deposits promptly in an authorized council account.
- Disburses funds according to the approved budget.
- Presents a written financial statement each month and at each regular meeting and such other times as required by the president.
- Provides all financial records if requested by the president or any member of the board of directors.
- Remits council incorporation renewal to the Secretary of State.
- Files IRS return annually.
- Files charitable solicitations report as needed.
- Remits council liability insurance premium.
- Maintains the council’s legal financial documents notebook.
- Closes the books at the end of the fiscal year and submits the books and records for financial review to the financial review committee no later than 30 (thirty) days thereafter.
- Performs any other duties designated in council’s standing rules or as requested by the president.
advocacy director
Our council plays a vital role in supporting local PTA advocacy chairs. A council’s Advocacy Director may:
- Educate local PTA presidents about the need for an advocacy chair.
- Maintain regular communication with advocacy chairs within the council.
- Educate local PTAs about WSPTA’s legislative platform and the value of PTA’s advocacy activities.
- Encourage local PTA advocacy chairs to attend convention and region training events.
- Offer council training for local PTA advocacy chairs.
- Encourage attendance at WSPTA’s Legislative Assembly.
- Arrange council gatherings at legislative assembly.
- Assist local PTA advocacy chairs with preparation of newsletter articles and other information to be sent to members.
The directors and committee chairs are appointed by the President with the approval of the board of directors. Directors-at-large may be appointed to bring a specific expertise, unique perspective and/or area of knowledge to broaden the depth of discussion and decisions of the board of directors, ultimately enhancing the programs and services of the Bellevue PTSA Council.
The directors and committee chairs are appointed by the President with the approval of the board of directors. Directors-at-large may be appointed to bring a specific expertise, unique perspective and/or area of knowledge to broaden the depth of discussion and decisions of the board of directors, ultimately enhancing the programs and services of the Bellevue PTSA Council.
- A family and community engagement directors can help local PTAs build strategies for engaging all families, as well as strengthen ties with the local community and school district.
- Educate local PTA presidents about the need for family and community engagement.
- Increase awareness of diversity and inclusion issues.
- Maintain regular communication with family and community engagement chairs within the council.
- Assist local PTA chairs by helping them build relationships with school and district personnel.
- Create community relationships that benefit local PTAs, such as with local food banks, translation services, or city government.
- Offer training on family and community engagement.
- Share information and newsletter content with local PTAs that is relevant to all families in the school district.
- Offer parent education opportunities within the school district.
heatlh & wellness
membership director
Effective council leaders can help local PTAs increase membership.
- Encourage local PTA membership chairs to attend WSPTA Convention, region and council training.
- Encourage local PTAs to apply for membership awards.
- Assist local PTA membership chairs with preparation of newsletter articles and other information sent to parents and other prospective members.
- Regularly convey information about PTA member benefits to local PTA membership chairs.
- Offer council training for local PTA membership chairs.
- Encourage local PTAs to not only ask for help with membership challenges but also share tips about their successes.
- Celebrate membership successes publicly.
- Share percent increases and recognize membership awards at council meetings.
past president
The past president serves in an advisory capacity giving advice based upon experience when called upon.
programs director
A council may offer programs in addition to Reflections, and a programs chair can increase awareness of PTA programs at the state and national level and encourage resource sharing between local PTAs.
- Educate local PTA leaders about, and encourage them to participate in WSPTA and National PTA programs, such as:
- Local PTA and Council Awards of Excellence
- Leadership Academy
- WSPTA//Game Development
- WSPTA Essay Contest
- Individual Awards (e.g.: Golden Acorn, Outstanding Educator, etc.)
- Senior scholarships
- National PTA School of Excellence
- Local PTA and Council Awards of Excellence
- Educate and provide support for local leaders to pursue grant opportunities from WSPTA and National PTA.
- Develop and execute council-specific programs that provide value to your community.
reflections director
Councils are required to offer a Reflections program and judge entries before entries are sent to WSPTA. The Reflections handbook, deadlines, other documents, and resources are available on the WSPTA website under Leader Resources.