Local Unit President's Calendar
The service fee remittance due dates are October 25, January 25, and May 25.
July (school office usually closed)
June-start over!
- General Meeting to approve Budget and updated Standing Rules (Can update anytime)
- Volunteer Appreciation (if not held in May)
- Schedule summer board retreat (for anytime during the summer) before officers leave for summer vacations.
- Remind everyone about deadline for reimbursements.
- Schedule financial review for early July if you haven’t done so already
- Set calendar (be aware of district test dates), schedule meeting dates, times and locations
- Continue work on filling in Board members and key committee chairs, especially those active in Fall (e.g., Reflections, newsletter, legislation, fundraisers, Back-to-School chairs)
- Prepare for transition: All notebooks, funds and supplies that belong to the PTA should be given to new officers by June 30
- Meet with school office staff to discuss back to business days or fall mailing packets to parents to coordinate efforts
- Print membership roster to keep for 7 years
July (school office usually closed)
- Bank cards/signature cards—change account signatories. Be sure you bring minutes from meeting where new officers are elected. Minutes should also note which execs have signing privileges. Can only do new cards AFTER FINANCIAL REVIEW!!! New treasurer should not accept books until the financial review is completed.
- Hold new board retreat; review mission, establish goals for the year – review programs
- Begin looking at membership forms, incentives
- Review PTSA material to go in opening day packets/business days
- Read the By-Laws! – updated at Convention, available online
- Review of Standing Rules—do you need to make some changes?
- Review Budget—do you need to tweak it before September?
- Meet with Board (even if you’ve done a retreat); prepare for first general meeting; coordinate inserts and volunteers for Business Days/Opening Day packets; review budget and Standing Rules.
- Meet with your Principal to review your goals and programs, establish a regular meeting schedule with him or her.
- Look at Standards of Excellence/Best Practices sheets to cross-check to make sure you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing.
- Attend Region 2 Fall Conference; pick up leadership packet: info for ALL officers – distribute materials appropriately
- Encourage Board attendance at Leadership conference—small fee, great classes!
- Update Legal Document Notebook
- Hold Executive or Board meeting; review Best Practices Guidelines/Standards of Excellence award application; Sign conflict of interest form (WSPTA website under Resources, Leadership Resources and then PTA and the Law)
- Hold first General Meeting (Re-approve your Standing Rules and Budget and approve your Goals)
- Begin search for Nominating Committee—consider electing Nominating Committee now
- Begin search for Awards/Acorn Committee-consider naming Acorn committee now (Allows Acorn group to watch volunteers; allows awards committee to begin collecting data for awards applications)
- Membership Drive
- Think about presence at Curriculum Night
- Go to PTA and the Law – It’s now free for all to attend!
- Legislative Assembly
- First membership service fees due to State
- Consider paying regularly scheduled donations now, such as Bellevue Schools Foundation (ISF),
- Insurance payments due
- Federal Taxes (990 or 990EZ) due
- (Incorporation renewal is due in the anniversary month of when your PTSA incorporated – check your legal documents)
- Reflections due to Council
- Last chance – solicit Nominating Committee members if you haven’t already done so
- Conduct Mid-Year financial review
- Review Best Practice Guidelines and Standards of Excellence award form – are you doing everything you need to be doing to apply for award?
- Attend District-wide Reflections Reception
- Elect Nominating Comm. at General Membership meeting if haven’t already done so
- Appoint Golden Acorn committee if haven’t already done so
- Mid-Winter Break
- Begin Review of Standing Rules (especially as the Nominating committee is looking at next year’s officers….do you want to make some changes?)
- Prepare your State awards applications –Standards of Excellence, Honor Unit, PTAs Taking Significant Action, Newsletter, Communications – applications are due March 1.
- Plan for possible special presentation to your school’s Golden Acorn winners at General Membership meeting prior to next month’s district-wide Golden Acorn reception
- Think about presence at transition opportunities – Kindergarten roundup, incoming middle or high school events
- Be aware of District testing and AP tests that occurs in the spring
- Appoint Budget Committee
- Attend Region 2 Spring Conference; bring current and prospective board members – open to entire membership
- Officers must be elected by April 30th (include bank signers in meeting minutes)
- Enroll current and incoming officers for May state convention
- Enroll new officers with WA State PTA on membership site, include legislative chair, membership and Reflections – include street address and email address
- Invite new board members to remainder of your board meetings, Council meetings
- Spring Break
- Set deadline for reimbursements
- Appoint financial review committee
- WA State PTA Convention
- General Meeting to approve Budget and update Standing Rules (if necessary)
- Volunteer Appreciation (or in June)
- Remind everyone about deadline for reimbursements
- Appoint financial review committee (if haven’t already done so); financial review should occur in early July, before vacations
- Membership service fees due to Council (if necessary)
- Charitable Solicitations due
- Make district facilities reservations for fall and beyond if dates are known
- Work on filling in Board members, key committee chairs, especially those active in the fall (e.g., Reflections, newsletter, legislation, fundraisers, Back-To-School chairs, Business Days/First Day packet chairs)
June-start over!