12/7/2020 Advocacy Zoom MeetingOur Representatives have about half an hour to talk about our WSPTA platform and what they might need to help support them during this year's session. It's not very long! Please join us to hear how we might be able to partner! Have questions? Send them to [email protected]. We may not have spare time for questions, but we are hoping that will be the case!
Dec 17, 2020 02:00 PM PST Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88044508902?pwd=d3owaWNheHRKNmlYU1Z1Rkp4WWk5QT09 Meeting ID: 880 4450 8902 Passcode: 543153 One tap mobile +12532158782,,88044508902#,,,,,,0#,,543153# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,88044508902#,,,,,,0#,,543153# US (Houston) 12/3/2020 The Gift of MembershipIn a year when it’s so easy to feel isolated, joining PTA can help you feel connected to a larger group in your community — a group with a proud 123-year history. We are thankful for every single PTA member today and always. #PTA4kids #PTA4ALL
12/1/2020 Impact of PTA on Student SuccessMany PTAs have been struggling with how to share the value of PTA when they cannot host traditional, in-person events and activities. Read more about the impact of PTA on student success on the WSPTA's blog and share these graphics with your community to show how important it is to support PTA.
12/1/2020 WA State PTA Focus on AdvocacyTuesday, December 8th, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. PST
12/1/2020 Meet with legislatorsThere are two opportunities to engage with Legislators from the 41st District. All WSPTA members are welcome! Please feel free to share this information with your PTSA members. We invite people to submit questions in advance to [email protected]. There may be time for additional questions at the meeting as well.
April 2021
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